
More Than Just “Computers”: Women’s Role in Programming ENIAC
Popular books and movies about the early days of NASA (e.g., Hidden Figures) and the…
What If…?
Credit: IMDb Alternative histories provide a glimpse of how the world might look if historical…
Does Greater Diversity in STEM Require Challenging STEM Professionals’ Beliefs About Science Itself?
Much of the research reviewed in SWE’s annual review of the literature on women in…
A Growing Consensus?
STEM Voices: The Experiences of Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Occupationsi…
Women in Engineering: A Review of the 2022 Literature
SWE’s assessment of the most significant research found in the past year’s social science literature…
Gender Scan Survey Yields Data and Comparisons Across Countries and Continents
Comparing the experiences and perceptions of women in STEM professions in the United States with…
The Women of Color in Engineering Collaborative: Working Together to Increase Diversity in the Engineering Workforce
Organizations and industry partners form a collaborative to transform the culture of engineering, address crucial…
2022 Literature Review Bibliography
Adams, T.L. and Flores, J. (2022). Marginalized Inclusion: The Experiences of Visible Minority Engineers in…
Berlin Roundtable Addresses Gender Equity In STEM
Members of SWE’s research advisory council met with European colleagues, examining commonalities and differences in…
Leveraging Data to Guide Policy
Dayna Johnson, P.E. Karen Horting, CAE After two years of strictly virtual meetings with United…