
Technology Targets Women’s Health
Women engineers, researchers, and entrepreneurs are working to find solutions to what ails women’s health…
Unconventional Engineering Destinations
Museums, factories, and rare entertainment venues showcase the fascinating and innovative work of engineers across…
On the Road Again (and Again)
By Troy Eller English, SWE Archivist President Naomi McAfee (on left) stands with university faculty…
How Others’ Doubt Increased My Self-Worth
By Diya Dwarakanath, SWE Editorial Board Women in engineering fields, including all who identify as…
You Asked, SWE Answered
By Amanda Harrison, SWE Editorial Board I’m in my summer internship. I’m the only woman…
In Focus
In Focus features leaders from discipline-specific professional societies discussing the trends in their profession and…
50K Coalition Reaches Goal Five Years Early
The power of collective leadership proved to be the greatest factor in ensuring that a…
SWE Takes Activism to Capitol Hill
SWE members petition federal legislators to support equal pay, STEM education, and reentry programs for…