2023 Literature Review Bibliography

Albakri, S., Ada, M. B., and Morrison, A. (2023). The Roles of Confidence and Perceived Usefulness in Female Student Engagement in High School Computing Science. 18th WiPSCE Conference Proceedings on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research (pp. 1–9).

Alderson, D., Clarke, L., Schillereff, D., and Shuttleworth, E. (2023). Navigating the Academic Ladder as an Early Career Researcher in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(2), 475–486. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5497

Alnahdi, G. H., and Schwab, S. (2023). The Impact of Gender Differences in Teachers’ Teaching Practices and Attitudes on Students’ Math and Science Achievement in Saudi Arabia: Evidence from TIMSS 2019 Data. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1066843.

Amirtham, S. N., and Kumar, A. (2023). The Underrepresentation of Women in STEM Disciplines in India: A Secondary Analysis. International Journal of Science Education, 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2023.2179901

Bailey, D., Kornegay, M. A., Partlow, L., Bowens, C., Gareis, K., and Kornegay, K. (2023, June). Utilizing Culturally Responsive Strategies to Inspire African American Female Participation in Cybersecurity [Paper presentation]. 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. https://peer.asee.org/44593

Baker, M., Ali, M., and French, E. (2023). Investigating How Women Leaders and Managers Support Other Women’s Entrance and Advancement in Construction and Engineering. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149(2), 04022166.

Balasubramanian, R., Findley-Van Nostrand, D., and Fleenor, M. C. (2023). Programmatic Innovations that Accord with the Retention of Women in STEM Careers. Frontiers in Education, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/FEDUC.2023.1018241/FULL

Bansal, S., Viswanathan, B., and Meenakshi, J. V. (2023). Does Research Performance Explain the “Leaky Pipeline” in Indian Academia? A Study of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Agricultural Economics, 54(2), 274–288. https://doi.org/10.1111/agec.12744

Bhardwaj, P. V., Clarke, A. C., Knee, A., Gottlieb, A. S., and Jobbins, K. A.,  (2023). Representation of Women Among Grand Rounds Speakers at an Academic Health System Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus, 15(6).

Blackburn, H. (2023). The Status of Women in STEM in Higher Education in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review 2020–2022. Science & Technology Libraries, 42(2), 180–200.

Boyle, N., Marshall, K., and O’Sullivan, K. (2023). Invisible Barriers: How Gender and Class Intersect to Impact upon Science Participation in Irish Secondary Schools. International Journal of Science Education, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2023.2214687

Breda, T., Grenet, J., Monnet, M., and Van Effenterre, C. (2023). How Effective are Female Role Models in Steering Girls Towards STEM? Evidence from French High Schools. The Economic Journal, 133(653), 1773–1809.

Broido, E. M. (1997). The Development of Social Justice Allies during College: A Phenomenological Investigation. The Pennsylvania State University.

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1977). Toward an Experimental Ecology of Human Development. American Psychologist, 32(7), 513.

Buckley, J., Gumaelius, L., Nyangweso, M., Hyland, T., Seery, N., and Pears, A. (2023). The Impact of Country of Schooling and Gender on Secondary School Students’ Conceptions of and Interest in Becoming an Engineer in Ireland, Kenya and Sweden. International Journal of STEM Education, 10(1), 1–25.

Budge, J., Charles, M., Feniger, Y., and Pinson, H. (2023). The Gendering of Tech Selves: Aspirations for Computing Jobs Among Jewish and Arab/Palestinian Adolescents in Israel. Technology in Society, 73, 102245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102245

Canaan, S., and Mouganie, P. (2023). The Impact of Advisor Gender on Female Students’ STEM Enrollment and Persistence. Journal of Human Resources, 58(2), 1–41.  https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.58.4.0320-10796r2

Card, D., DellaVigna, S., Funk, P., and Iriberri, N. (2023). Gender Gaps at the Academies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(4), e2212421120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2212421120

Ceci, S. J., Kahn, S., and Williams, W. M. (2023). Exploring Gender Bias in Six Key Domains of Academic Science: An Adversarial Collaboration. Psychological Science in the Public Interest: A Journal of the American Psychological Society, 15291006231163180. https://doi.org/10.1177/15291006231163179

Chatterjee, D., Jacob, G. A., Varvayanis, S. S., Wefes, I., Chalkley, R., Nogueira, A. T., Fuhrmann, C. N., Varadarajan, J., Hubbard, N. M., Gaines, C. H., Layton, R. L., and Chaudhary, S. (2023). Career Self-Efficacy Disparities in Underrepresented Biomedical Scientist Trainees. PLOS ONE, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0280608

Chen, G. A., and Buell, J. Y. (2018). Of Models and Myths: Asian (Americans) in STEM and the Neoliberal Racial Project. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(5), 607–625.

Chen, X.-Y., Usher, E. L., Roeder, M., Johnson, A. R., Kennedy, M. S., and Mamaril, N. A. (2023). Mastery, Models, Messengers, and Mixed Emotions: Examining the Development of Engineering Self-Efficacy by Gender. Journal of Engineering Education, 112(1), 64–89.

Chowdhury, F. N. (2023). Without Role Models: A Few Pioneering Women Engineers in Asia. American Behavioral Scientist, 67(9), 1074–1083.

Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 1(8), 139–167.

Davis, S. C., Nolen, S. B., Cheon, N., Moise, E., and Hamilton, E. W. (2023). Engineering Climate for Marginalized Groups: Connections to Peer Relations and Engineering Identity. Journal of Engineering Education, 112(2), 284–315.

De Gioannis, E., Pasin, G. L., and Squazzoni, F. (2023). Empowering Women in STEM: A Scoping Review of Interventions with Role Models. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/21548455.2022.2162832

Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and Education. New York: Macmillan Company.

Domínguez-Soto, C., Labajo, V., and Labrador-Fernández, J. (2023). The Relationship between Impostor Phenomenon and Transformational Leadership Among Students in STEM. Current Psychology, 42(13), 11195–11206. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02358-3

Dunlap, S. T., and Barth, J. M. (2023). Career Identities and Gender-STEM Stereotypes: When and Why Implicit Gender-STEM Associations Emerge and How They Affect Women’s College Major Choice. Sex Roles, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-023-01381-x

Ebrahimi, A., Daniels, K. A. J., Gaffney, B. M. M., Banks, C. L., McDonald, K. A., Kessler, S. E., and Maharaj, J. N. (2023). International Women in Biomechanics: Promoting, Supporting, and Sustaining the Careers of Women in Biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics, 146, 111419. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2022.111419

Eccles, J. (1983). Expectancies, Values and Academic Behaviors. Achievement and Achievement Motives.

Figard, R., Schill, S. A., Dalal, M., and Carberry,  A. R. (2023, June). Examining the Unique Experiences of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students in a Pre-College Engineering Course [Paper presentation]. 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. https://peer.asee.org/43524

Fitzpatrick, M. E., Burrows, S. G., and Yonker, J. A. (2023). An Exploratory Study of Engineering Graduate Student Persistence: Self-Efficacy and Contextual Influences. Journal of Career Development, 50(3), 633–655. https://doi.org/10.1177/08948453221123789

Friedmann, E., and Efrat-Treister, D. (2023). Gender Bias in STEM Hiring: Implicit In-Group Gender Favoritism Among Men Managers. Gender & Society, 37(1), 32–64. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912432221137910

Fussy, D. S., Iddy, H., Amani, J., and Mkimbili, S. T. (2023). Girls’ Participation in Science Education: Structural Limitations and Sustainable Alternatives. International Journal of Science Education, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2023.2188571

Garcia, P., Cadenas, G. A., and Scott, K. A. (2023). Expanding Theories of Sociopolitical Development: Centering the Intersectional Experiences of Girls of Color in an Informal STEM Program. TechTrends: Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning, 67(3), 407–416.

Gavriilidi, I., and Van Damme, R. (2023). Gender Differences in Animal Cognition Science. Animal Cognition, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-023-01777-y

Ghattas, Y. S., Kyin, C., Grise, A., Glasser, J., Johnson, T., Druskovich, K., Cannada, L. K., and Service, B. C. (2023). Trends in Female Authorship in Orthopaedic Literature From 2002 to 2021: An Analysis of 168,451 Authors. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume. https://doi.org/10.2106/JBJS.22.01290

Glass, J., Takasaki, K., Sassler, S., and Parker, E. (2023). Finding a Job: An Intersectional Analysis of Search Strategies and Outcomes Among U.S. STEM Graduates. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 83, 100758. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rssm.2023.100758

Gottlieb, A. S., Dandar, V. M., Lautenberger, D. M., Best, C., and Jagsi, R. (2023). Equal Pay for Equal Work in the Dean Suite: Addressing Occupational Gender Segregation and Compensation Inequities Among Medical School Leadership. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 98(3), 296–299. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000005087

Grant, C. (2023). Building Girls’ Confidence in Digital Literacies at Tech Camp. Computers and Composition, 68, 102773. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compcom.2023.102773

Gutiérrez, K. D., Hunter, J. D., and Arzubiaga, A. (2009). Re-Mediating the University: Learning Through Sociocritical Literacies. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 4(1), 1–23.

Hernandez, M., Avery, D. R., Volpone, S. D., and Kaiser, C. R. (2019). Bargaining While Black: The Role of Race in Salary Negotiations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(4), 581.

Huber, B., and Baena, L. Q. (2023). Women Scientists on TikTok: New Opportunities to Become Visible and Challenge Gender Stereotypes. Media and Communication, 11(1), 240–251.

Isaac, S., Kotluk, N., and Tormey, R. (2023). Educating Engineering Students to Address Bias and Discrimination within their Project Teams. Science and Engineering Ethics, 29(1), 6. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-022-00426-w

Jamali, H. R., and Abbasi, A. (2023). Gender Gaps in Australian Research Publishing, Citation and Co-Authorship. Scientometrics, 128(5), 2879–2893. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04685-7

Johnson, I. R., and Pietri, E. S. (2023). Ally Endorsement: Exploring Allyship Cues to Promote Perceptions of Allyship and Positive STEM Beliefs Among White Female Students. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(3), 738–761. https://doi.org/10.1177/13684302221080467

Johnson, S. R., Benjamin, C., Miksys, C., and Gartstein, M. (2023). A Pathway to Systemic Changes in STEM Leadership: Increasing Representation of Women Through the External Mentor Program. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 29(4), 79–99. https://doi.org/10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2022038588

Keren, L., and Kapon, S. (2023). Stereotypical Attributes of Scientists and Engineers in Jokes. Science & Education, 32(3), 617–634.

Kuchynka, S. L., Gates, A. E., and Rivera, L. M. (2023). When and Why is Faculty Mentorship Effective for Underrepresented Students in STEM? A MultiCampus Quasi-Experiment. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/cdp0000596

Ladson-Billings, G. (2006). From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in U.S. Schools. Educational Researcher, 35(7), 3–12.

Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., and Hackett, G. (2002). Social Cognitive Career Theory. Career Choice and Development, 4(1), 255–311.

Lewis Ellison, T., Joseph, N., and Thomas, J. O. (2023). A Call to Action: Exploring Intersectional Analyses of Black Fathers and Daughters in STEM Learning. Equity & Excellence in Education, 1–14.

Lewis, L. H., and Williams, C. J. (1994). Experiential Learning: Past and Present. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 1994(62), 5–16.

Li, D., Wang, Y., and Li, L. (2023). Educational Choice has Greater Effects on Sex Ratios of College STEM Majors than has the Greater Male Variance in General Intelligence (g). Intelligence, 96, 101719. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2022.101719

Li, X. (2023). Strategic Flexibility in a Male-Dominated Occupation: Women Software Engineers in China. Journal of Gender Studies, 32(4), 330–342. https://doi.org/10.1080/09589236.2021.2006615

Li, X., and Finelli, C. J. (2023, June). Understanding How International Graduate Students in Engineering Fit into American Culture Through the Lens of Gender Pronouns: A Pilot Study [Paper presentation]. 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. https://peer.asee.org/44538

Liang, G. J., Evans, R., Asadollahipajouh, M., Kulesza, S.E., and Evans, A. G. (2023, June). A Qualitative Study of Undergraduate Women in Engineering Project Teams [Paper presentation]. 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. https://peer.asee.org/42482

López, P., Simó, P., and Marco, J. (2023). Understanding STEM Career Choices: A Systematic Mapping. Heliyon, 9(6), e16676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16676

Luthi, K. T., and Kosloski, M. F. (2023). Advancement Experiences of Women in Academic Senior Leadership Positions in STEM Disciplines: A Delphi Analysis. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 29.

Machocho Mwang’ombe, A., and Mwingi, M. (2023). ‘I Don’t Find It Hard!’ They Defied the Gendered Norm in Science! International Journal of Science Education, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2023.2199464

Mackelprang, J. L., Johansen, E. E., and Orr, C. (2023). Gender Disparities in Authorship of Invited Submissions in High-Impact Psychology Journals. American Psychologist, 78(3), 333–345. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0001106

Madison, G., and Sundell, K. (2023). Sex Differences in Scientific Productivity and Impact are Largely Explained by the Proportion of Highly Productive Individuals: A Whole-Population Study of Researchers Across Six Disciplines in Sweden. Studies in Higher Education, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2023.2223638

Massa, G. dos S., Tonin, F. S., and de Mendonça Lima, T. (2023). Female Representation Among Editorial Boards of Social, Clinical, and Educational Pharmacy Journals. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 19(6), 921–925. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2023.02.018

Mazei, J., Hüffmeier, J., Freund, P. A., Stuhlmacher, A. F., Bilke, L., and Hertel, G. (2015). A Meta-Analysis on Gender Differences in Negotiation Outcomes and Their Moderators. Psychological Bulletin, 141(1), 85.

McGee, E. O., White, D. T., Main, J. B., Cox, M. F., and Parker, L. (2023). How Women of Colour Engineering Faculty Respond to Wage Disparities. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 46(6), 1182–1203. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2022.2159474

Midgley, C., Lockwood, P., and Hu, L. Y. (2023). Maximizing Women’s Motivation in Domains Dominated by Men: Personally Known Versus Famous Role Models. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 47(2), 213–230. https://doi.org/10.1177/03616843231156165

Ortiz-Martínez, G., Vázquez-Villegas, P., Ruiz-Cantisani, M. I., Delgado-Fabián, M., Conejo-Márquez, D. A., and Membrillo-Hernández, J. (2023). Analysis of the Retention of Women in Higher Education STEM Programs. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 101. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-01588-z

Paris, D., and Winn, M. T. (Eds.) (2013). Humanizing Research: Decolonizing Qualitative Inquiry with Youth and Communities. Sage Publications.

Patitsas, E., Craig, M., and Easterbrook, S. (2015). Scaling Up Women in Computing Initiatives: What Can We Learn from a Public Policy Perspective? Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research (61–69).

Patrick, A., Andrews, M., Riegle-Crumb, C., Kendall, M. R., Bachman, J., and Subbian, V. (2023). Sense of Belonging in Engineering and Identity Centrality Among Undergraduate Students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Journal of Engineering Education, 112(2), 316–336.

Petroff, A., and Fierro, J. (2023). Crowd Work in STEM-Related Fields: A Window of Opportunity From a Gender Perspective? Sociology Compass, 17(3). https://doi.org/10.1111/soc4.13058

Petts, R. J., Carlson, D. L., and Pepin, J. R. (2021). A Gendered Pandemic: Childcare, Homeschooling, and Parents’ Employment During COVID-19. Gender, Work and Organization, 28, 515–534. Society of Women Engineers (n.d.). About SWE. https://swe.org/about-swe/

Poncio, F. P. (2023). An Investigation of the Gender Gap in the Information Technology and Engineering Programs Through Text Mining. Decision Analytics Journal, 6, 100158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dajour.2022.100158

Powell, R. M., Towsner, H., and Frankel, B. (2023, June). Impact of an Emerging Scholars/Peer-Led Team Learning Program on the Recruitment of Undergraduate Women and Underrepresented Minorities into Computer Science and Mathematics [Paper presentation]. 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. https://peer.asee.org/43465

Rani, T. S., Prathiba, L., Basha, M. S. A., Khangembam, V., and Sucharitha, M. M. (2023, January 24–26). Are Women Employees in Engineering Institutions Suffer From the Stress: An Investigation Approach. 2nd International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2023, Maharashtra, India. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICONAT57137.2023.10080369

Read, D. S., Werse, N. R., and Howell, L. (2023). Why Women Go Elsewhere: A Study of Women’s Underrepresentation in Computer Science. Handbook of Research on Exploring Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Through an Intersectional Lens (pp. 311–329). IGI Global.

Reis, S., Bunker, J. M., and Dawes, L. A. (2023). Predicting Career Optimism of Civil Engineers. Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(3), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1061/JMENEA.MEENG-5095

Riegle-Crumb, C., Russo-Tait, T., Doerr, K., and Nguyen, U. (2023). Critical Consciousness of Gender Inequality: Considering the Viewpoints of Racially Diverse High School Girls with Engineering Aspirations. Sociological Perspectives, 66(1), 5–27.

Riley, A. D., and Mensah, F. M. (2023). “My Curriculum Has No Soul!”: A Case Study of the Experiences of Black Women Science Teachers Working at Charter Schools. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 34(1), 86–103. https://doi.org/10.1080/1046560X.2022.2028710

Ro, H. K., Campbell-Jacobs, B., Broido, E. M., Hanasono, L. K., O’Neil, D. A., Yacobucci, M. M., and Root, K. V. (2023). Faculty Allyship: Differences by Gender, Race, and Rank at a Single U.S. University. Gender, Work & Organization. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12988

Román Gálvez, M. R., Riquelme-Gallego, B., del Carmen Segovia-García, M., Gavilán-Cabello, D., Khan, K. S., and Bueno-Cavanillas, A. (2023). Variations in Author Gender in Obstetrics Disease Prevalence Literature: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 727.

Sadler, K. C. (2023). The Shifting Culture of the Scientific Workforce — A Change for Women and Girls in Science. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.1242/dmm.050111

Schmader, T. (2023). Gender Inclusion and Fit in STEM. Annual Review of Psychology, 74(1), 219–243.  https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-032720-043052

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Sellami, A. L., Al-Ali, A., Allouh, A., and Alhazbi, S. (2023). Student Attitudes and Interests in STEM in Qatar Through the Lens of the Social Cognitive Theory. Sustainability, 15(9), 7504.

Sellami, A., Santhosh, M., Bhadra, J., and Ahmad, Z. (2023). High School Students’ STEM Interests and Career Aspirations in Qatar: An Exploratory Study. Heliyon, 9(3), e13898. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e13898

Sevilla, M. P., Bordón, P., and Ramirez-Espinoza, F. (2023). Reinforcing the STEM Pipeline in Vocational-Technical High Schools: The Effect of Female Teachers. Economics of Education Review, 95.

Silva, D. N., Silva, W. D. O., and Fontana, M. E. (2023). A Gendered Perspective of Challenges Women in Engineering Careers Face to Reach Leadership Positions: A Innovative Theoretical Model from Brazilian Students’ Perceptions. Women’s Studies International Forum, 98, 102712. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wsif.2023.102712

Smith, N. E., Chowdhury, S., and Costello, S. B. (2023). Examining the Effectiveness of Gender Equity Initiatives to Support Women in Engineering. Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(2), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1061/JMENEA.MEENG-5014

Sparks, D. M. (2023). Analyzing the Intersectional and Bicultural Experiences of Black Immigrant Women STEM Students at a Diverse Urban University: A Phenomenological Study. Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education, 55(2), 269–292.

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Steele, J. R., and Challis, J. H. (2023). Pioneering Women of the International Society of Biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics, 152, 111547.

Steffen, A., Dodiya, J., Heinisch, C., Hess, C., Kunz, S., Rebholz, S., Schlömer, I., Vaas, S., and Rippich, K. (2023). An Exploration of Critical Incidents Impacting Female Students’ Attitude Towards STEM Subjects. International Conference on Gender Research (Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 215–223). Diversity Collection.

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Varma, R., Falk, J. H., and Dierking, L. D. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities: Asian Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. American Behavioral Scientist, 67(9), 1063–1073.

Varoy, E., Lee, K., Luxton-Reilly, A., and Giacaman, N. (2023, January 31–February 3). “Understanding the Gender Gap in Digital Technologies Education.” 25th Australasian Computing Education Conference, ACE 2023, held in conjunction with Australasian Computer Science Week, Melbourne, Australia.

Vossen, T. E., Land-Zandstra, A. M., Russo, P., Schut, A., Van Vulpen, I. B., Watts, A. L., Booij, C., and Tupan-Wenno, M. (2023). Effects of a STEM-Oriented Lesson Series Aimed at Inclusive and Diverse Education on Primary School Children’s Perceptions of and Sense of Belonging in Space Science. International Journal of Science Education, 1–20.

Wilkins-Yel, K. G., Williamson, F. A., Priddie, C., Cross Francis, D., Gallimore, S., and Davis-Randolph, J. L. (2023). A Site of Radical Possibilities: Examining How a Multigenerational Counterspace Promoted STEM Persistence Among Undergraduate Women of Color. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 60(2), 268–303.

Wrigley-Asante, C., Ackah, C. G., and Frimpong, L. K. (2023). Gender Differences in Academic Performance of Students Studying Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Subjects at the University of Ghana. SN Social Sciences, 3(1), 12.

Zhang, D. (2023). Open-Topic Project-Based Learning and Its Gender-Related Effect on Students’ Exam Performance in Engineering Mechanics. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 149(3), 05023003.

Zhong, B., Liu, X., and Huang, Y. (2023). Effects of Pair Learning on Girls’ Learning Performance in Robotics Education. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 61(1), 151–177.