
Methodology and Positioning
Ari Hock, Erin Carll, Ph.D., and Aryaa Rajouria This literature review is the result of…
A History of Gender Bias at MIT
The Exceptions chronicles the struggles of pioneering women educators seeking representation, equal salaries, and fair…
NASA’s ‘Six’ Took Women to New Heights
The first women astronauts endured discrimination to clear a path for other women to follow.…
Lessons Learned?
The female empowerment portrayed in the book and television series Lessons in Chemistry may have…
More Than Just “Computers”: Women’s Role in Programming ENIAC
Popular books and movies about the early days of NASA (e.g., Hidden Figures) and the…
What If…?
Credit: IMDb Alternative histories provide a glimpse of how the world might look if historical…
Does Greater Diversity in STEM Require Challenging STEM Professionals’ Beliefs About Science Itself?
Much of the research reviewed in SWE’s annual review of the literature on women in…
A Growing Consensus?
STEM Voices: The Experiences of Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Occupationsi…
Women Deans of Engineering Then and Now
2001 Eleanor Baum, Ph.D. Dean, Cooper Union Cynthia S. Hirtzel, Ph.D. Dean, Youngstown State University…
Comparative and International Perspectives on Women in Engineering
Some of the research discussed in SWE’s annual literature review concerns countries other than the…